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Bande Démo 

Welcome to New York with Gerard Depardieu, directed by Abel Ferrara, portraying Sofitel manager.

The Blacklist with James Spader, playing the church docent

Revulsion, directed by Pierre Taisne, playing Rachel.

France 3 - Interview ilinca
La nouvelle série "Abdoul fait son cinéma" 
The Blacklist 
Co star scene (with James Spader) on The Blacklist
Netflix / NBC
"Unusual Way" - Musical show in Monaco
from the musical "Nine", at the Auditorium Rainier III, in Monaco​

ComposerMaury Yeston

PlaywrightArthur Kopit

"Speaking French" - from the musical Lucky Stiff, 
Cabaret Night at Circle in the Square, New York

PlaywrightLynn Ahrens

ComposerStephen Flaherty

LyricistLynn Ahrens

MACBETH - Act 1, scene 7


We fail?

But screw your courage to the sticking-place,

And we’ll not fail. When Duncan is asleep—

Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey

Soundly invite him—his two chamberlains

Will I with wine and wassail so convince

That memory, the warder of the brain,

Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason

A limbeck only: when in swinish sleep

Their drenchèd natures lie as in a death,

What cannot you and I perform upon

The unguarded Duncan? What not put upon

His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt

Of our great quell?

"Give him the Ooh-la-la", by Cole Porter
The Triad Theatre, New York
Cabaret of the 1st year Professional Musical theatre class, Circle in the Square Theatre.
Accompanied by Noel Katz, with Clayton Jones & Jamie Roach.
"The ghost," short film extract with Pascal Yen-Pfister
Jet Blue Commercial
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